Achievement Hall NewsletterWhat's Happening at Aston
Get Ready for an Unforgettable 2024-2025 School Year!
Happy New Year! We are thrilled to welcome you and your scholars back to school as we begin the second half of the academic year. We hope your winter break was restful and rejuvenating. Our team is energized and ready to continue working with you to ensure your child's success.
This year, we have been focused on the theme: "The Road to College and Career Starts Today." Together, as partners in your scholar's education, we will guide them to achieve their full potential. Our expectations remain clear:
● Scholars attend school daily and arrive on time.
● Scholars wear their full uniforms with pride. No hoodies or outer garments should be on. We know that scholars get cold so please make sure they have a sweater (navy cardigan).
● Scholars actively engage in their schoolwork.
● Scholars demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, and all members of the school community.
● Scholars come to school prepared with necessary supplies for their classes.
● We have a no bag policy: girls may carry pocketbooks no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches.
We are continuing to emphasize this theme in all we do, encouraging our scholars to take steps each day toward their future college and career goals.
Important Reminders for Families:
- Stay Connected via ClassDojo: If you have not already joined, please ensure you are connected to your scholar’s class on ClassDojo. This platform is a key tool for communication, updates, and celebrating their achievements.
- Homework and PSSA Practice: Look for homework assignments each evening and regular PSSA practice materials to help your scholar prepare for the upcoming assessments.
Let’s continue to work hand-in-hand to ensure our scholars excel in every aspect of their educational journey. Your partnership is invaluable, and we look forward to an incredible remainder of the school year.
Upcoming Events
Jan. 10 Scholastic Book Fair
Jan. 15 Parent Engagement Bingo Night
Feb. 14 Report Card Conferences
Jan. 15 Oratorical Contest
Mar. 7 Black History Month Career Day
April 21 - May 9 PSSA Testing
May - June 8th Grade End of Year Activities
These earned grade-level activities represent the culmination of middle school scholars' academic and social-emotional progress