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Chester Community Charter School

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Safe2Say Something

Reporting Concerns 

Often, the most important aspect of safety and security is obtaining key information before someone makes the decision to commit a harmful act.  Receiving tips and information in advance of anything happening allows us to investigate and take proactive steps to prevent harm from occurring. If something does not look, sound, or feel right, we encourage anyone to report the concern.

Students and parents/guardians may report concerns by:

  • Telling an adult (teacher, staff member, administrator)
  • Submitting an anonymous tip using Pennsylvania's Safe2Say Something Website or mobile app.

For non-school related concerns, a local police department should be contacted.

When school administrators are made aware of an incident/concern, an investigation is initiated. During investigations, administrators are looking for specific details such as time, location, and the individuals involved. The more specific details that are provided, the better the school can respond. Timely reporting is also key to investigations.

School actions or discipline are based upon Board policy, the Student Code of Conduct, and federal/state regulations which schools must abide, such as IDEA.

Here’s how it works:

  • Submit an anonymous tip report through the Safe2SaySomething system
  • Crisis center reviews, assesses and processes all submissions
  • Crisis center sends all submissions to school administration and/or law enforcement for intervention
  • If needed, crisis center may contact tipster anonymously through the app